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Siddhi Gandhi







As we know art is the thing which is the most most ancient feature from the history, I would even say people started painting before they even started to converse even because they use to converse the story through art. I recently got fascinated by the art form by the kathakali performers which is the ancient story-telling art of Kathakali is one of the most enthralling features of Kerala. Artistes whose faces and torsos are painted in a myriad colour and dressed in splendid costumes perform this dance drama to narrate the universal struggle between good and evil. For performers, fans and audiences, Kathakali is much more thana dance form. It is an act of devotion portrayed through art and is mastered through years of patient learning and practice. But now, the magnificence of Kathakali seems to be crumbling. It is starting to earn the reputation of being “a poor man’s rich art”.

In different ways I started discovering the history dressing of people with amazing colour  combinations and many other ways … slowly I articulated the art pieces by such ideas and influences. Art is a very important part of my life which has never failed to accompany me all along my journey this is one of the reasons why I am more than determined to undertake and successfully complete my design idea. s. As a matter of a fact, I also aim to weave my artistic skills with a world of visual communication whose society is in continuous evolution, and I feel confident enough to utilise  some suitable tools in order to smoothly operate at various levels. I strongly believe that art is a universal phenomenon that frees our soul from monotony, transforming everyday life into an exciting and overwhelming journey. This is for each of us has different points of view and, as the perspective changes, things change. As I’ve grown older, art has become so much more than that. Every piece of art I create is a journey into my soul. It’s a priceless way to deal with my emotions and my struggles. I create art not only because I enjoy it and because I want to, but because I have to. I become emotionally attached to each of my pieces because they are like dashes on the wall marking my growth. Each one is the solution to a problem I have dealt with and overcome. My Life is joyful with the presence of art. It is so powerful that it can make us smile or cry, love or hate, be glad or be worried. Sometimes art can be the only way around through which a heroic deed can be inspired or a difficult situation can be supported.